
Digging – Crate Digging Narrative

Justin Holbrook drops a one minute narrative which captures the spirit of crate digging.  Complete with notes and well known digging tactics, the short film is all too familiar to anyone who’s spent significant time in the bins. Random Thought: I love it when people hold up records that I own.

Mr. Supreme’s 45 Listening Session

Seattle crate master Mr. Supreme (Conception Records, Conmen) gives a short 45 listening session and sneak peak inside his home collection. Random Thought: A Conmen reunion mix would really make my year.

Beat Swap Meet Update & Anniversary Footage

The next Beat Swap Meet will take place Sunday, June 14, 2009 in Downtown Los Angeles. Portable turntable, stash of cash, and a good attitude are a must for this social event/digging extravaganza featuring over 30 invited collectors, 3 areas of records for sale, live DJ’s, outdoor clothing sale, live art, and 6 turntables scratch … Read more

The Mad Record Collector (Vinyl Humor)

“Who is he who dare calleth himself a vinyl collector?” True crate diggers and record collectors will appreciate the unique humor, classic wardrobe, and classic vinyl dance performed in this strange video. Notable Quote: “My records… so many of them, so many, so rare!”

AR Scratch: Real Records, Virtual Scratching

One thing to remember is that producers and DJ’s have always been hackers that played with technology to create new forms of sound.  Todd Vanderlin’s AR Scratch may not be the best way to perform a flare or a scribble, but his creative and experimental use of AR markers, OpenFrameworks, and vinyl must be commended.  … Read more

Best Buy Becoming Your Local Vinyl Store

Let’s face it, we live in a capitalistic society and stores, especially super-chain types, will try to cash in whenever they see revenues slipping past them.  Music and electronics retailer Best Buy has been playing with the idea of marking off up to 8 square feet in 1,020 stores for the sale of vinyl, which … Read more

Archer Record Pressing: Detroit’s Last Vinyl Plant

Established in 1965, Archer Record Pressing holds the distinction of being the last vinyl pressing plant in Detroit.  Producer Theo Parrish and plant owners Mike and Joe Archer tell the story of the of plant’s role in Detroit music history and the true meaning of musical expression taking a physical form. Notable Quote: "The physical … Read more

Records Documentary Gives More Reasons To Chase Vinyl

Aaron Howell and Sharon Shattucks’ short documentary entitled Records covers a quick history of records, the pressing process involved in their creation, and explains the many reasons why otherwise normal people spend a greater portion of their lives chasing after vinyl. The video includes quick snippets of interviews with DJ’s, collectors, and even the production … Read more