The Archives

Red Bull Big Tune 2010 Dates & Registration Info

It’s that time of year again and legions of producers are gearing up for the 2010 Red Bull Big Tune Beat Battle. Red Bull has officially announced the dates and cities for the upcoming battles. Make sure that you’re there. Philadelphia May 19, 2010 Los Angeles May 27, 2010 San Francisco June 4, 2010 Denver … Read more

Inside Roger Steffens’s Rare Reggae Archives

Babylon Falling delivers a tour of Roger Steffens’s incredible Los Angeles reggae archives.  The author, archiver, and radio host opens the doors to his personal collection and reveals a compact museum that would leave even the most prolific and organized enthusiasts in awe. During the tour Roger Steffens nonchalantly explores various chambers and sections of … Read more

Music Jones & Needlz On Networking, Determination

I do Music presents producers Music Jones and Needlz as they run down their stories of achieving success in the world of production and how each took advantage of the numerous opportunities that arose. Both Music Jones and Needlz emphasize the importance of networking, constantly moving, and remaining determined. It can be done. It just … Read more

Broken Bells Interview (Danger Mouse + James Mercer)

Broken Bell, formed by Brian Burton aka Danger Mouse and James Mercer, offer an interview  at the SXSW music conference. Some of the topics discussed include recording advice for young artists and pursuing an independent route in music. I don’t think that independent was necessarily by choice. It was just by the fact that it’s … Read more

Abbey Road Studios Mastering Engineer Pressing Vinyl

Sean Magee, mastering engineer at Abbey Road Studios, shows off the legendary studio’s vinyl lathe and album cutting process. The engineer explains some of the history behind vinyl production and technical considerations such as lateral (volume) and vertical (phase) movement that are key to sound reproduction.

DJ Babu’s X-Men Influenced Battle Persona

DJ Babu discusses learning turntablism in the days before the internet and freely available DJ battle related media. Babu goes into the influence of DJ Steve D (X-Men) and DJ Qbert (ISP), his love for the ASR-10, and current learning towards Propellerhead Reason. Half of my whole style and my battler persona was defined by … Read more

Buckwild’s Favorite Producers & Early D.I.T.C.

BoBO serves up the second half of Sean C & LV’s interview with Buckwild features the producer listing the instrumental masters that had the biggest influence on his sound and career. Buckwild also tells more stories about famous beats that were passed over and delves into the group collaboration and inspiration that took place during … Read more

DMC USA 2010 Battle Dates + Registration Information

Battle DJ’s get ready! A number of 2010 USA battle dates have been confirmed, so polish up those routines and prepare for war. Act quickly if you’re planning to enter. Early round prizes include choice of mixers and, of course, bragging rights. DMC NOLA – Regional DJ Battle (April 16) – New Orleans, LA DMC … Read more

DMC Team Japan 2009 World Final Documentary Footage

A short documentary follows Japanese DJ’s Hi-C, Yasaa, Co-ma, and Shota prepargin for and performing at the 2009 DMC World DJ Championships.  Kireek, which consists of DJ’s Hi-C and Yasaa, ultimately won the team championship despite technical difficulties while DJ Co-ma took second place behind DJ Shiftee.  Further proof that hard work and perseverance definitely … Read more

Digging in the Crates: The DNA of Contemporary Music

Roland Loessiein’s diploma thesis entitled Digging in the Crates combines artsy design with the dusty fingered work ethic that is the foundation of modern sample based music. The interactive installation seeks “to explore the sampling as a production technology of contemporary music” while taking participants through a history of audio manipulation. While the cohesive design … Read more