MF Doom’s Dirty Downfall: More Ways To Kill Your Fanbase


For the most part, the editorial policy here at Crate Kings is to avoid mentioning people or events that don’t deserve positive coverage, but for the sake of balanced opinion and reader warning, something has to be said about the recent MF Doom concert fakery.

We can all agree that it says a lot when Kno of CunninLynguists feels the need to publicly chime in and write "An Open Letter To MF Doom" addressing the now numerous MF Doom shanigans and acts of disrespect.  I guess Doom didn’t get the memo detailing sure fire ways to alienate your fan base.  What’s really sad is that many, including myself, have been essentially searching for ways to hand over buckets of revenue to this character.  Instead we receive nothing more than a game of snatchees with our hard earned dough, endless excuses, and most recently, lackluster impostors.

I’ve personally been a direct victim of his antics twice and I promise that it will never happen again:

  • A few years ago I arrived in Boston to see him perform alongside Danger Mouse.  Surprise, surprise… Doom was a no show.  Excuse given: "The Flu".
  • Last summer, Doom was the sole reason why I shelled out significant cash to attend Rock The Bells – Chicago.  Upon arriving at the show concert staff acted like they never even heard of him.

We’ve all been patient with the rumors of illness and his understandable avoidance of the press, but at this point he’s certainly crossed the line.  While I will always enjoy his simple & odd production style and random rhymes, I gave up caring about anything he does along time ago.  There are simply too many quality artists for us to even bother chasing down a person that doesn’t want to be scene, heard, or found.

Quick Thoughts:

  • Why haven’t we received an official statement from either him or his label explaining the circumstances? 
  • Is this just another one of the publicity stunts that seem to drive album sales nowadays?

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