Archer Record Pressing: Detroit’s Last Vinyl Plant

Established in 1965, Archer Record Pressing holds the distinction of being the last vinyl pressing plant in Detroit.  Producer Theo Parrish and plant owners Mike and Joe Archer tell the story of the of plant’s role in Detroit music history and the true meaning of musical expression taking a physical form.

Notable Quote:
"The physical act of a record being created and knowing that that’s a magical thing… knowing that somebody’s thoughts are being translated into the physical universe right there."

[via RA]

218 thoughts on “Archer Record Pressing: Detroit’s Last Vinyl Plant”

  1. Hey Semantik, I’m after some percussion sounds, mostly crashes because mine sound corny or I keep using the same one(s). Im willing to pay for a percussion pack.


  2. I suggest you dig through some records and you will find some good stuff.

    …But that’s too much work huh?

  3. There’s a record store down the street from me and its about 11 minutes. I spent $100 on 3 records one time. All the records are too expensive so I stick to digging on blogs and I’m not even sampling that much anymore.

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